Senin, 07 Juli 2008


Just as in the entire universe, miraculous systems that are created by our Lord exist also within the human body. One of these systems, the voice box or larynx is one of these superior miracles of creation. The voice box is the name given to the part of the windpipe, or trachea, that opens to the mouth, or oral cavity. Right at the entrance of the larynx are located the vocal cords. Thanks to the muscles that govern them, these cords can assume different shapes and as a result, we can make various sounds, including speech.

One reason why other living beings can not make sounds like human beings is that their voice boxes are located at a higher part of the mouth cavity than in human beings. The human larynx is lower in the windpipe than in any other animal, including monkeys. Thanks to this position, the breath coming out of the lungs is transformed by the voice box into a wide variety of different sounds.

Evolutionists fail to answer many questions. But when they try to explain them by offering the thesis of “selection of advantageous traits through natural selection,” at this point, they face another deadlock— for the lower position of the voice box is by no means a physical advantage. Due to this position, the food we eat may easily get into the windpipe and choke us, or the liquids we drink may accidentally get into the lungs.

In order to prevent this, while we are eating or drinking anything, a “little tongue” has been created that closes the voice box. When we try to eat or drink something and speak at the same time, these two actions interfere with each other and—as each you have certainly experienced during your life—we develop an immediate cough. But animals have a different system. The windpipes of animals—of monkeys, for instance—is higher up in their throat. For this reason, whatever food they swallow never gets into their windpipe and consequently, they do not run the risk of choking.

Despite our dangers and difficulties in taking nutrition, our unique voice box structure allows for speech. The constant risk of getting food into the windpipe, on the other hand, is eliminated by reflexes gained during infancy and by an organ called the uvula, which is a little flap of tissue. Briefly, this lower position for the voice box’s structure is unique to human beings.

Evolutionists, of course, assert that natural selection has “chosen” the more advantageous structure over time, but the “more advantageous” larynx would only result in incoherence. But the true situation is exactly the opposite, and entirely at variance with the evolutionary rationale. This “odd fact” is something that Charles Darwin tried to explain away:

“ . . . [it]s an odd fact that every food and liquid we swallow has to pass over the opening to the windpipe with the risk of slipping into our lungs.” (Darwin C.1859 On the Origin of Species, Facsimile edition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, p. 191.)

When we examine the features of the voice box, we discover a miracle of creation with details that have been meticulously calculated. The voice boxes of babies are positioned higher up in the throat than in adults. This way, the infants can breathe while suckling, without running the risk of getting their mothers’ milk down into the windpipes and lungs. Yet before the infant gains the ability to speak, this voice box—which is up until now has been a hindrance for speech— lowers itself in the throat. In other words, it develops in the right way just at the right time.
This example once again reveals that human beings enjoy a perfect creation. Allah, the Lord of all the universes, the One Who creates Man, Grants him a body proper for its needs, Protects babies against choking, and Lets them speak by placing their voice box at the right position with an ideal timing. . In one verse, Allah proclaims:

"He created Man and taught him clear expression.” (Surat ar-Rahman: 3)

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Platypus Genome Analysis and Evolutionists’ Distortions

In its 8 May, 2008, Nature magazine carried a report titled “Genome analysis of the platypus reveals unique signatures of evolution.” The report stated that scientists have deciphered the genetic code of the platypus, which has various mammal, bird and reptile characteristics. “It is hoped that genetic analysis of the platypus will help explain how mammals, including human beings, in some way evolved millions of years in the past,” it said.
However, there are no objective grounds for this claim regarding the supposed evolution of mammals on the basis of the genome of the life form in question. Scientists who accept evolution as a dogmatic truth right from the outset assume that the platypus shares an evolutionary history with mammals and interpret the structural and sequential features in their genomes accordingly. In fact, the platypus constitutes a huge dilemma for the theory of evolution and provides no evidence whatsoever for the supposed evolution of mammals.

1. Evolutionists’ dilemma regarding the platypus

The scientific name for the platypus, which lives in lakes and rivers in Australia and Tanzania is Ornithorhynchus anatinus. Males reach up to 50 cm in length, and females around 20% less. As the report says, the platypus is classified as a mammal because it has fur and suckles its young. This animal, which is able to use its tail like a rudder, also possesses a bird-like beak and reptilian venom. These animals, which generally live underwater, carry their poison in their hind legs. The platypus is also covered in fur like a mammal and suckles its young, although it reproduces by laying eggs and produces venom, both reptilian characteristics. It has a beak, just like birds, but also spends most of its time in water, as do amphibians. As all these features make clear, the platypus is a “mosaic” life form which possesses characteristics belonging to very different living groups. Although evolutionists at one time sought to portray these animals as an intermediate form, this idea has been abandoned by leading palaeontologists. Stephen Jay Gould openly states that “mosaic creatures” such as the platypus cannot be regarded as intermediate forms. (S. J. Gould & N. Eldredge, Paleobiology, Vol 3, 1977, p. 147) In any case, evolutionists have no evidence, and no fossil remains, as to how these mosaic features might have evolved from one group to another.

Darwinism maintains that all the striking and very different mosaic characteristics must have evolved at the same time and in a flawless manner from different life forms. However, they have absolutely no scientific findings or any evidence at all with which to account for this proposition. The different features of the platypus are unique to it and are incapable of explanation by Darwinism. Attempts to depict a life form that represents such an insoluble dilemma for the theory of evolution as being evidence for evolution is enormously significant in terms of revealing the dimensions that evolutionist deceptions can assume.

2. The idea of mammalian evolution is based on no evidence whatsoever

In its report, It is hoped that genetic analysis of the platypus will help explain how mammals, including human beings, in some way evolved millions of years in the past. The fact is, however, that the idea of mammalian evolution is a myth, devoid of any scientific evidence and kept alive solely for reasons of dogma.

Evolutionist reference sources are silent when it comes to the origins of mammals. That is why the evolutionist palaeontologist Roger Lewin has had to admit that “the passage to the first mammal is still a mystery.” (Roger Lewin, "Bones of Mammals, Ancestors Fleshed Out", Science, Vol. 212, 26 June 1981, p. 1492)

George Gaylord Simpson, one of the most eminent evolutionist authorities of the 20th century, refers to this state of affairs that comes as such as surprise in terms of the theory of evolution as follows:
The most puzzling event in the history of life on earth is the change from the Mesozoic, the Age of Reptiles, to the Age of Mammals. It is as if the curtain were rung down suddenly on the stage where all the leading roles were taken by reptiles, especially dinosaurs, in great numbers and bewildering variety, and rose again immediately to reveal the same setting but an entirely new cast, a cast in which the dinosaurs do not appear at all, other reptiles are supernumeraries, and all the leading parts are played by mammals of sorts barely hinted at in the preceding acts. (George Gaylord Simpson, Life Before Man, New York: Time-Life Books, 1972, p. 42.)

These statements by an evolutionist are in fact confessions. The point that evolutionists are reluctant to state openly, but which is still an absolute reality, is that there is not one example of an intermediate fossil from a period before mammals or other life forms.


As we have seen, the platypus’s mosaic features represent no evidence for the theory of evolution, and there is no basis in the fossil record for the idea of mammalian evolution. Evolutionists are trying to pull the wool over the public’s eyes regarding the intermediate forms they have been unable to find by dotting the research into the platypus genome with evolutionary expectations. Our advice to the Nature magazine is that they accept the fact that such distortions can lead nowhere and that they abandon depicting the evolutionary presumptions they have adopted as a dogma as if they represented scientific evidence for Darwinism.
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The Jokela High School Massacre: Another Application of Natural Selection

Pekka-Eric Auvinen was an 18-year-old Finnish student. On 7 November, 2007, he left his home for the Jokela High School in the town of Tuusula, 43 kilometres from Helsinki, as he did on every other school day. On that day, however, Auvinen had an extraordinary reason for going to school, one which the whole world would learn of in a matter of just a few hours.

Around 11.44 hours, the sound of gunfire began to be heard from the Jokela High School. Auvinen had begun firing at random at students in the main entrance to the school building. School principal Helena Kalmi called on the panicking students to run into classrooms. Students looking out of classroom windows and watching what was happening saw that Kalmi had set out to intercept Auvinen. However, he was in no mood to listen to her. He fired 7 bullets into the 61-year-old Kalmi, killing her before the students’ eyes. His next victim was the school nurse running to help those students who had been injured in the first burst of fire. Auvinen killed the 43-year-old nurse and then entered the main building.

Auvin hammered on classroom doors, telling students to rebel against the school administration. Around 11.55 he heard the police calling on him to “give himself up.” He answered with another burst of fire and continued moving through the school, firing at any students he encountered. Shortly after the police surrounding the building had entered inside they found Auvinen in the toilets, where he had committed suicide. The death toll from that bloody assault was 9, consisting of 7 students, including Auvinen himself, and the 2 school employees, with another 11 people injured. (1)

But who was Auvinen? What propelled him to carry out that bloody attack and then commit suicide? What was the hatred that led him to kill his fellow students without batting an eyelid?

The facts about the person who committed that attack that stunned all Finland soon began to emerge. Auvinen set out his ideas on life and human beings prior to the attack in files published on a number of internet video sites. Interestingly, one of these was titled “The Jokela High School Massacre – 7 November 2007.” The video starts with the Jokela High School building, and then moves on to Auvinen posing in his room with a gun in his hand. Auvinen had posted videos on various sites employing different user names. These consisted of violent images accompanied by pessimistic and aggressive songs. There was nothing surprising in an individual so prone to violence carrying out such a bloody killing. However, one of these videos was particularly noteworthy in terms of the light it shed on the motif behind that violence. Under the user name "ikillyouall667,” Auvinen described in that video, titled “My Philosophy,” how the massacre was a requirement of natural selection.

Natural selection is a concept on which Charles Darwin based his theory of evolution, and is an expression of weaker animals being eliminated by stronger ones in the struggle for survival. Because it described human beings as the result of natural events devoid of any consciousness and since it is itself based on violence, natural selection was to become the indispensable foundation for both atheist philosophies and violent ideologies and movements. The dictators who sent millions to their deaths during the Second World War regarded war as a requirement of natural selection, and make a great many references to Darwinism in their propaganda.

Natural selection also appears before us in the Jokela High School massacre. Auvinen calls for the implementation of natural selection in the video in which he set out his “philosophy.” Auvinen expressed the following thoughts, attaching the same value, or rather lack of value, to human beings as does Darwinism:
"I am just a normal anarchist that believes in natural selection. Humans need to put natural selection back on tracks. The animals live that way, why won’t the humans. We are animals after all. We were made that way now we just screw everything up and pollute the Earth that birthed us. Humans are the worst animals on the planet. We humans came up with a screwed up society. The whole world is screwed. All of the society shall fall. That is what should happen. The sooner, the better… Law is the opinion of the “higher in power”… That’s why you should take control of your own life. Live in anarchy. Do what you want and don’t let others tell you what to do. This is your own life. The weak should die while the strong live. Itis survival of the fittest, natural selection. Animals die all the time. You don’t see some dog crying their eyes out after they figure out that some other dog died. because another dog has died. Humans die too. It should be the same reaction. It is just all natural, not a big deal. Do not cry for someone you don’t know, this is not sad…My personal phylosophy, THE GENOCIDE OF THE HUMAN RACE MUST HAPPEN.” (2) (Capital letters in original text)
In his manifesto setting out his views, Auvinen made the following statements that clearly demonstrate the influence of Darwinism on his views:
"I am ready to fight and die for my cause I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. No, the fact is that I am merely an animal, a human being and a dissident…The time has come to set the principle of the survival of the fittest and natural selection back on its feet.” (3)

Jokela was not the first

The Jokela High School massacre represents a clear example of the tragic consequences that Darwinism being taught to young people as a scientific reality can have. What is more, it is not the only such example. On 20 April, 1999, two students at the Columbine High School in the U.S. state of Colorado, 18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebod, arrived at their school carrying guns and bombs, slaughtering 12 students and a teacher in 30 minutes before killing themselves. Harris was wearing a T-shirt with the words “NATURAL SELECTION” on it. (4) The majority of the documents seized by police from Harris’ home in the wake of the attack referred to natural selection and feelings of superiority. In video tapes previously uploaded onto the internet, Harris and Klebold constantly spoke of their being “more evolved” and of what it felt like to be “superhuman.” (5)

It is time to put an end to one-sided Darwinist education

By telling people that their lives have no purpose, Darwinist education turns them into mentally ill individuals, pessimistic and violent and devoid of hope and joy. Even leading atheist Darwinists admit this negative state of mind to which Darwinism leads. This effect can be seen in the foreword to the book Unweaving the Rainbow, by the atheist zoologist Richard Dawkins;

A foreign publisher of my first book confessed the he could not sleep for three nights after reading it, so troubled was he by what he saw as its cold, bleak message. Others have asked me how I can bear to get up in the mornings. A teacher from a distant country wrote to me reproachfully that a pupil had come to him in tears after reading the same book, because it had persuaded her that life was empty and purposeless. He advised her not to show the book to any of her friends, for fear of contaminating them with the same nihilistic pessimism. (6)

Darwinist teachers actually hurt themselves

It is of course important to concentrate on those who carried out the Jokela and Columbine massacres and the ideas that led them to do so, but we also need to go a little deeper and consider another factor behind those events. That factor is the Darwinist education still being provided in schools. Students in the USA and Europe are taught the nonsense that life on Earth began spontaneously and that human beings are an advanced form of ape that emerged by way of natural selection, as if these things were scientific fact. The Jokela and Columbine killers were people who had received this Darwinist education provided in Western society. Therefore, although the attackers were school students, in effect the schools were themselves responsible.

For that reason, those responsible for education policies must realize that Darwinist education will create militants who will one day point their guns at their own heads. They must therefore adjust the curriculum accordingly and ensure that young people are made aware of the scientific collapse of Darwinism and of its ideological underpinnings.

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Another blow to evolutionist claims regarding ''Homo floresiensis'': Similar miniature remains have been described as Homo sapiens

The ongoing debate among evolutionists over the miniature human remains described 4 years ago and discovered on Flores Island in Indonesia recently acquired a new dimension with the unearthing of similar human skeletons on Palau Island in Micronesia. The evolutionist researchers who unearthed the Flores bones described them as a separate human species, though many authorities on the subject subsequently opposed that claim, suggesting instead that the humans on Flores were abnormal individuals from a deformed Homo sapiens population. The latter view came to predominate as new bones were discovered, and it once again became clear that those evolutionists describing the bones of a separate human species were not behaving objectively.

The discovery in question appeared in a paper in the journal Public Library of Science One by Lee Berger, a National Geographic Society and Witwatersrand University in South Africa researcher Lee Berger and other researchers from Witwatersrand, Rutgers and Duke universities. (1)

The researchers dated the bones back some 1,400 to 3,000 years. Palau Island lies in the Caroline Islands and harbours a great many caves. The bones were unearthed on two caves on the island known as Ucheliungs and Omodokel. A large number of human bones were found in the caves, which were believed to have been used for burials. So much so that 1,200 fragments of human remains were found in a cavity just 1 square metre in area and 50 cm deep (2). It was calculated that among the more than a dozen humans to whom the remains belonged, there was a 43-kilo male and a 29-kilo female. Examinations of the skeletons show that these humans were 100-130 cm in height. Taxonomically, many characteristics in their facial and skull anatomies are unique to Homo sapiens. Because of this, the researchers believe that this group of humans belongs to Homo sapiens, and that they had shrunk in size for various reasons. These included dwarfism, or developmental diseases such as microcephaly or cretinism.

In addition, the Palau bones revealed significant similarities to the human remains unearthed on Flores Island. Like the humans on Flores, those on Palau had a retracted chin, eye sockets of an unusual shape, and large teeth. In those terms, the Palau bones reveal that at least some of the unusual Flores features were due to environmental factors rather than being inherited.

Berger states that the idea that Flores Man represents a “separate species” is invalid:

Palauen discovery suggests that given the many characteristics that the Palauen fossils share with Flores (that were typically considered "primitive" to modern humans), that these characters probably should not be used to define a new species, particularly when found in only a single skeleton. (3)

Berger goes on to say the following in an analysis published in Science magazine:

A diseased member of the Palauan population might look as anomalous as the single skull of H. floresiensis. (4)

Robert Eckhardt, a Pennsylvania State University anthropologist and another researcher who has emphasised the error of describing Flores Man as a separate species, maintains that Homo floresiensis consists of deformed Homo sapiens individuals, and makes the following comment regarding this study:

"The Berger paper is great because it shows that in the region you have small people with normal-sized brains, and you don't have to posit a new species to explain them." (5)

One particularly renowned evolutionist authority has come out in opposition to the view regarding the miniature skull on which those evolutionists who seek to depict Homo floresiensis as a separate species most rely. Asked for his opinion on the Homo floresiensis miniature brain, the Columbia University anthropologist Ralph Holloway made the following comment:

I regard the 400 ml brain [comparable to a chimpanzee's, and one-third the size of a modern human brain] as pathological. (6)

As we have seen, the remains that evolutionists portrayed as a new stage in the supposed evolution of man and that they submitted to the public as a widespread propaganda tool have now been determined to represent deformed members of Homo sapiens. It has thus once again been realised that evolutionists’ claims concerning these bones are biased and unscientific theses produced under the influence of their own dogmatic beliefs. Human beings are not descended from apes in a random process and under the influence of natural events, but were brought into existence by God’s commanding them to “Be!”

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Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

Newly Revealed 3600-Year Old Wisdom Text Describes Extinction of the Dinosaurs

Newly Revealed 3600-Year Old Wisdom Text Describes Extinction of the Dinosaurs

n recent years, scientists have begun to challenge the popular K-T extinction event theory advanced by Nobel laureate physicist, Luis Alvarez. In 1990, he found evidence of a large impact resulting in an Extinction Level Event (E.L.E) in what is now Chicxulub, Mexico. His theory that this E.L.E. wiped out the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago was soon adopted. However, an increasing number of modern scientists are now casting doubts on his theory. Furthermore, a newly released 3600-year old wisdom text called The Kolbrin Bible supports these challenges to Alvarez�s theory with a prescient human account.

At the core of this E.L.E. debate is a thin global layer of iridium that capped the living presence of dinosaurs on this planet. It is called the KT boundary. Iridium is rarely found on the surface of the Earth, but it is common to asteroids, and there is a sharply defined global layer of Iridium that dates back to the Chicxulub impact event.

Doubts about Alvarez�s theory are founded in equally credible explanations of the KT boundary. One notable theory is the "KT-Deccan Traps volcanism-induced carbon cycle perturbation extinction theory" of Dewey McLean, Professor Emeritus of Geology in the Department of Geological Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA. Besides the science, what makes McLean�s theory attractive is the amount of effort Alvarez has invested to suppress it.

While precise dating of deep time events is difficult at best, ample evidence exists to suggest that at about the same time Alvarez�s asteroid cratered the Yucatan peninsula, a hotspot volcano produced the Deccan Traps eruption with equally devastating results. Unlike an explosive supervolcano event such as the last Yellowstone eruption, the miles-thick Deccan Traps eruption flowed out over thousands of square miles, and released massive amounts of iridium into the atmosphere. Sizable remnants of this lava pile still exist on a volcanically active Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean.

Enter The Kolbrin Bible. The first part of this 11-book secular anthology was authored by Egyptian academics after the Jewish Exodus and is referred to as the Egyptian Texts. The last part was authored by Celtic priests shortly after the death of Jesus. Within the Book of Gleanings is one passage that clearly supports the K-T Deccan Traps of Dewey McLean:

"GLN:3:5 In olden times, there were spawned great monsters and beasts in fearful form, with frightful gnashing teeth and long ripping claws; an elephant was but a rat in comparison with them. Then, because of heavenly rebellion and turmoil, and the terror overwhelming the hearts of men, The Great One hardened the face of the land, which had become unstable, and the beasts were changed to stone. This was beforetimes, when the Destroyer still slumbered in the upper vaults of Heaven."

The reference to an object the Egyptians called the "Destroyer" is repeated often. The Kolbrin Bible and the Egyptian academics explain that it was a long-period orbiting object, which during its last two flyby events caused the Great Deluge (Noah�s Flood) and the Ten Plagues of Exodus. Unlike the Torah (Old Testament) this ancient work explains these events as natural disasters -- not the punishments of an angry deity.

This account in The Kolbrin Bible is part of what remains of the Great Book as the Egyptians first called it. First penned in ancient hieratic, the Great Book was approximately 4 times the size of the King James Bible. The impetus for the work was the defeat the Egyptians suffered at the hands of Moses. Convinced their own gods had been proven to be impotent, they initiated the first regional anthropological study in the history of humankind.
Throughout the breadth of their trading sphere, their academics and scribes would do their business as usual, but in their off hours began interviewing local wise men. The aim was to record historical accounts and folklore in the hopes of uncovering any clue that might lead the Egyptians to the one true God of Abraham. The field notes of these interviews were then sent back to Egypt and incorporated into the Great Book.

One civilization that received special attention from the Egyptians was the seafaring Phoenicians. Enamored by the Great Book, the Phoenicians translated it to their own 22-leter alphabet and took a copy of the work to Britain during the late Bronze Age, which at that time was a major exporter of tin. The Celtic priests of Britain embraced the work, which was mostly destroyed during the 1184 arson of the Glastonbury Abbey. What remained was combined with other Celtic texts and translated into Old English and collectively published as The Kolbrin Bible. After WWI, the work was updated to Continental English and the first copies were released in the early 1990�s.

For interested researchers, this 3600-year old work offers vital corroboration of Dewey McLean�s KT-Deccan Traps eruption theory, plus an abundant source of prescient historical accounts of ancient global disasters. The details in these accounts are as crisp as the man-on-the-street interviews one sees in modern televised news broadcasts. Copies of the work are available online and can be purchased in book stores in the English speaking world.

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Geology Activities-Inspiring Life-long Learning with Fun

Geology Activities-Inspiring Life-long Learning with Fun

Do you need geology activities? For a classroom? Homeschooling? Something different for an after school program? Maybe you don�t know how much you need them.

If you�ve ever taken a walk in the woods with a young child, you�ve probably observed a natural love of rocks and minerals. Shape, color, texture�any of these can warrant special notice, a quick pick-up and a drop in the pocket. Once home, those same rocks can spark a memory or an imagination of how it came to be there at just that spot in the path.

A love for the natural world is so universal that if you drop �rocks and minerals� into a Google search you�ll find over 9 million websites from countries all around the world--and lots of these are directed to children or made by children. On a short search, I encountered sites by teachers for students, by avid rock hounds for aspiring rock hounds, by colleges, universities, and museums, and by folks who just LOVE rocks!

That�s why we recommend starting a geology club.

Geology Club In Ohio

Last year, Kathy Koenig of Cincinnati started a geology club for 7 and 8 year-olds. Being a teacher, she wanted to inspire kids in a subject she knew would be lots of fun. She also wanted to give the students plenty of opportunities for some genuine science work. She planned out a years worth of geology activities and lessons.

The Basic Plan

The club met for eight sessions monthly throughout the school year. Students paid $25 for the year-long club, all of which was to be used to purchase specimens, experimental materials, and geology activities, that could then be owned by the students. Kathy searched hard to find resources who would give her a lot for her money. (That�s how she found us at!)


Would you be surprised if you found out that this geology club had nearly 100% attendance, even on Friday afternoons after school? That�s what happened! Even on the last day of the week, kids were thrilled to spend time LEARNING!

The students worked with:

crystals and crystal growing

classification of minerals

the practical uses of minerals around the house

the rock cycle and the events that lead to different formations

how fossils are formed

how to identify and dig for fossils

and, of course, starting their own fossil,rock and mineral collections.

Careful Planning And a Little Help

While Kathy planned the sessions and led the meetings, parent volunteers were there to support the students in their geology activities. Most of the meeting time was spent in hands on geology activities with real specimens. The extra adult support allowed more of the children to be engaged and successful.

The Results

By the end of the year, students had not only learned a great deal, they had also begun personal collections, nicely labeled and ready for display. These budding paleontologists and geologists were becoming well-versed in the process of excavation and labeling�and they�d had a first-hand experience with creating good field notes.

Want to Start You own Geology Club?

Find out how you can get everything Kathy used to create a successful geology Club. Check out Geology Activities, and wholesale fossils, rocks, and minerals

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming Psychology Science Fair Projects

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Psychology Science Fair Projects

It doesn't matter if you're shopping for display boards for your science project, or Shar Levine science fair books, employ a business on the world wide web, or are a college professor or father, you'll need to study a little about kids science fair projects that address the field or Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP "reframing." Various terrific high school science fair projects can be executed in the area of human psychology!

As a picture frame creates edges or moldings on a print, the ways of thinking that you opt for can limit what exactly you consider as imaginable or could possibly call forth all kinds of prospects. You (and if you permit them, friends) are persistently setting timeframes, boundaries or limits on what you might and certainly can't do, often without any genuine thought about the outcomes or if the boundaries are true.

Modifying the mindset of an experience could possibly exemplify a large influence on how you identify with, decipher and reply to that happening. This is where you might produce reeeally cool high School Science Fair Projects. I'm not proposing easy high School Science Fair Projects but phenomenal and at least a effective science fair project.

Changing ones outlook is called reframing in NLP. The design of reframing is to assist a human experience their activity and the power of their impressions from a dissimilar outlook (frame). The human being ought to possibly be more resourceful or encounter many more alternatives in the way they react.

Reframing is taking place all around us
Statesmen are proficient at reframing. It looks as if not withstanding exactly what occurs statesmen can put a positive twist on it for them or a negative spin for their foes.

Jokes eipitomize reframes. You are escorted to imagine in A single mind-set and then the mind-set (implication or conditions) changes.

Nusery rhymes often utilise reframes to assist kids in seeing unalike views or the resulting aftermath. An illustration is a crying wolf.

An apology is a reframe that applies a contrasting meaning or context to your conducts.

A few more known reframes are
A daddy brought his opinionated daughter to visit Milton Erickson,the notable hypnotherapist. The daddy pointed out to Erickson, "My daughter won't mind me or her mommy. My daughter is repeatedly expressing her own impressions." After the parent ceased describing his teen's condition, Erickson stated, �Now is it not superb that she might be capable of stick up for herself if she's primed to get a place of her own?� The daddy sat in amazement. That comprised the extent of the therapy and the dad Presently distinquishes his daughter's repsonses as a advantageous asset in the future in her life story.

Content and Context Reframes
In NLP, you should find two primary kinds of reframes. They're subject matter (or implication) and a context reframes.

Content Reframe
The message or cognitive content of a case is specified by what things you decide to scrutinize. We decide our experience by the interpretation we offer to the experience.

Your high school teacher brought up the words Science Fairs. Your quick answer, "Oh no, an additional 3 to 5 month undertaking."

To reframe this case, Remember the NLP presumption "All behavior has a positive intent" and ask inquiries including: What other definition may I give to this circumstance? A probable reframe could be: "Great, I am excited to create cool science experimentsfor 3 to 5 months and i don't have to prove my hypothesis or not!

With this reframe you've now enrolled in the Science Fair Lover Society!

What comprises the goodness in this reaction? You have become a more resoureful individual and the result of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Science experiments will in all probability be fantastic.

Context Reframe
Just about all responses are valuable or suitable in some backgrounds. If you disrupt a spokesperson by standing up and providing your thoughts in the middle of a speech, it may be judged as wrong. The exact same conduct at the end of the presentation to offer some other frame of reference could be satisfactory.

A potential reframe: "Isn't that an outstanding expertise to possess when I desire to get things completed or to refrain from potential predicaments?" You're at this point in a more educated place and might assist yourself to select behaviors that could be better in different situations.

Some remaining thoughts
When giving a reframe to an acquaintance: Be certain that you have their endorsement to submit the reframe. You could hope your reframe is best you can do and yet it may not work for the acquaintance, merely because they possess a unique frame of reference of the world than you do. Keep in mind the NLP presumption,"There exists no disappointment, only feedback," and examine different imaginable reframes.

NLP High School Science Fair Projects

Ask the School principal to allow you use 5 minutes at a teacher's meeting to communicate to the teachers. State to the teachers that you want their assistance to conduct a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Kid's Science Fair Project.

You cannot discuss with them what your hypothesis is simply because that will skew the results. State to them it is going to be a brand new way of communicating to kids.

When you have your volunteers for your Neuro-Linguistic Programming Science Fair Project, randomly decide on instructors that will practice "reframing." Educate them what exactly it embodies and how to execute reframing. Verbalize to the teachers that they must not tell anybody about the project.

You shouldn't report to the other teachers what to do except to do the greatest job ever in teaching than they ever have accomplished. Administer a pretest and post test to the kids (let the School principal guide you in determining a test). And ascertain if the kids who were given positive reframing for Two months elevated their grades.

Visting Expert: Madeline Binder, M.S. Ed; M.S.Human Services Counseling
Virtually every page of our Best Science Fair Projects internet site comprises models of science experiments for you and your family to examine. I encourage you to come by and browse so you and your kids can have the Most awesome Super Science Fair Projects on the globe! In order to make certain a perent's task more simple there certainly are science fair books for kids, piles of children's science fair gear, and kits that can be especially for your family's Super Science Fair Projects all of it in one place.

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Dynamo Science Fair Tips!

Dynamo Science Fair Tips!

If you're reading this article it is in all likelihood science fair project time. Don't put things off until until the very last moment to choose what project that you would like to create. In case you are tring to find a science fair projects subject or just don't actually like doing science projects, that's All-right simply because there are now products that are aimed for science fairs.

You will find out that we've got quite a few types of products to pick from. A variety are aimed towards people that would like to do a project but don't want to create one on their own, while other kits offer you the flexibility to create your very own experiments by using the kit. It is the best means to do a terrific project and satisfy your schools specifications.

What interests you? Do you want to know about the environment? Or are you more interested in learning how to experiment with robotic arm trainer which is the ultimate for making a science fair project. This can teach basic robotic sensing and locomotion principles, testing your motor skills, when you build and control the Arm. Terrific for high school science fair projects.

For whatever science fair science project our products will be the ideal selection. From microbiology to psychology science projects, you'll find a wonderful idea for most any science fair.

Some other choices that our company's website has available include instantaneously downloadable science fair e-books. Currently you are able to download your science fair projects in a matter of moments.

Whether you are 10 or a college student, renewable energy is the hot topic of our planet. For the PicoTurbine Windmill science experiments Kit we will offer students twenty Complimentary renewable energy science fair projects and for professors, schools and organizations, our website has less expensive package prices for renewable energy education in the classroom.

An additional concern for the planet is energy and just how to get fresh resources. Would you like to construct and play around with a model alternative energy Power House? Channel wind and solar power with seventy experiments in potential energy, energy management, electromagnetism, and physics. Grow, boil, and desalinate a water system and preserve food.

Have you thought about fuel? With gasoline prices being extremely high, researchers are desperately wanting to produce fuel cell cars. This is one of the most critical technologies of our century. Maybe you're the individual to manufacture cars that is powered by water!

Whether you use a ready-made kit or wish to produce your own high school science fair projects that are made from raw materials, here's one of the most crucial science fair tips that I can offer you... You will want to use the 6 steps of the scientific method. Our instantly downloadable, first rate science fair project ebook show you everything you should know, bit-by-bit, to create an extraordinary science fair project.

Carrying out a science project can be nerve-racking. Super Science Fair Projects relieves most of the anxiety because the site helps you to organize your project and take you step by step each part of the project and also gives marvelous science fair recommendations

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Tornadoes and Us

Tornadoes and Us

Facts about tornadoes and their devastating impact.

Tornado Fact 1. The deadliest ever tornado was the 'Tri-State' tornado that passed through Missouri, Illinois and Indiana on March 18th 1925. During its 3� hour life this tornado killed 695 people along its 219 mile path.

Tornado Fact 2. Tornadoes are measured and rated using the Fujita scale.

Tornado Fact 3. Tornadoes tend to occur in mid-latitudes, and as they are restricted to land masses this means mainly in the northern hemisphere.

Tornado Fact 4. Those over the US tend to be the most violent as the North American continent has a combination of warm, moist Gulf air from the south colliding with cold air travelling down from the north west, producing ideal tornado forming conditions.

Tornado Fact 5. On some days up to 20 tornadoes may be spotted in Tornado Alley- the flat country of the mid-west stretching from Texas through to Oklahoma and Kansas.

Tornado Fact 6. A wind speed of 280mph was ascribed to a tornado that hit Texas in April 1958

Tornado Fact 7. The average life-span of a tornado is approximately 15 minutes. However some can last much longer, on 26th May 1917 the Mattoon-Charleston Tornado lasted seven and a half hours and travelled 293 miles.

Tornado Fact 8. A 'super Outbreak' of tornadoes during 3rd and 4th April 1974 saw 148 individual tornadoes cross and devastate and area from Alabama to Michigan.

Tornado Fact 9. Although they can and do travel in any direction, the majority of tornadoes travel from south-west to north-east.

Tornado Fact 10. The US endures around 750 tornadoes annually.

Tornado Fact 11. Tornadoes can occur at any time of the year, although there tends to be a peak in the US in Tornado Alley during May and June.

Tornado Fact 12. Few people survive seeing the inside of a tornado vortex. Bill Keller from Kansas survived such a vortex in June 1928: "A screaming, hissing sound came directly from the end of the funnel, and when I looked up I saw right into the very heart of the was brilliantly lit with constant flashes of lightning...around the rim of the vortex, small tornadoes were constantly breaking away and writhing their way around the funnel"

Tornado Fact 13. The inside of the funnel contains extremely low pressure equal to the pressure difference between ground level and an altitude of 4,900 feet - giving huge suction power

Tornado Fact 14. In the town of Natchez, Mississippi, in 1840 a tornado one mile wide touched down killing 48 people on land and drowning a further 269 in river boats and steam ships on the Mississippi river.

Tornado Fact 15. A waterspout is a tornado that occurs over water rather than land. However they are generally less violent, and will not move systematically northeastwards like a tornado would.

Tornado Fact 16. A bridge is not a good place to shelter from a tornado! Generally the confined space will increase the overall wind speed. This is despite well known TV footage of a news crew sheltering under a bridge. They did not receive a direct hit from the tornado and the bridge was of a rare design where they could crawl amongst the exposed girders for shelter and grip.

Tornado Fact 17. The most northerly tornado ever observed was on August 26th, 1976 at Kiana, Alaska, 54 miles north of Anchorage.

Tornado Fact 18. Well this is advice, more than fact. If you are caught out in the open by a tornado with no nearby buildings to shelter in, lie in a ditch, or lowest possible area, and protect your head and neck with your arms. Then pray.

Tornado Fact 19. Tornadoes are transparent, and appear so in the early stages of development, until dust and debris are picked up and give them colour.

Tornado Fact 20. Only 2% of tornadoes are classed as violent (F4 and F5), but these account for 70% of all tornado deaths.

Tornado Fact 21. 70% of all tornadoes are weak (F0 and F1), and account for less than 5% of all tornado deaths.

Tornado Fact 22. 50% of all fatalities from tornadoes occur amongst residents of mobile homes.

Tornado Fact 23. Hurricane Beulah spawned 115 tornadoes over Texas in September 1967.

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How Do Employers View an Online Degree?

How Do Employers View an Online Degree?

If you considering pursuing an online course of study, there are probably several major questions on your mind. Most likely, the biggest of these questions is how will your current or future employer view an online degree. Although there is no clear cut answer to this question, there are several major factors you can take into consideration. It is important that you take the time to thoroughly consider and understand all of these factors.

The first factor that you need to take into consideration is the generation gap. The generation gap refers to the distance between generations. For example, if you are a twenty-five year old, there is an obvious gap between you and someone that is fifty-five. The generation gap applies to online education in the way that older generations view the internet and anything that is part of it. For some older generations, they do not actually understand the internet or what it can do, and therefore they are threatened or even almost afraid of it. For this reason, they may view something like an online degree as trivial or not even legitimate. Although this may seem like a major problem, it is probably not as bad as you may think.

The generation gap factor actually leads into the second factor that you need to take into consideration when taking a look at how employers view online degrees. The second factor that you need to be aware of is accreditation. Accreditation is what separates legitimate online education programs from scams that are worth more than taking your money. It is vitally important that you choose an online degree program that is accredited. By choosing an accredited program, you can ensure that you are investing your time and resources into the correct program. Now, you may be asking yourself how the generation gap and accreditation are related. Accreditation is one factor that can help ease the worries of members of older generations. An accredited program allows an employer to look at the program of study that you followed to earn your online degree. By having access to this information, an employer (even one that is a member of an older generation) can see that the online education you received was just as valuable as the education that someone attending a four-year college or university receives.

When determining how an employer views an online degree, the final factor you need to take into consideration is your own performance. This factor is arguably the most important of all the factors that have been discussed. When an employer is evaluating your online degree, once they get over any initial apprehension that your degree was obtained via the internet, they will be scrutinizing your personal performance in your program of study. Just as they would look at someone�s grades at an actual four-year, your employer will be very interested in how well you did in the courses you took in order to obtain your degree. Therefore, it is very important to take your online education very seriously. It is not enough just to obtain an online degree, it is necessary that you excel in the program that you study. By performing to the best of your ability, your employer will see that you are a committed individual that takes important things seriously.

As you can see, there are quite a few factors that impact how an employer views online life experience degrees. Although there is not a specific answer, as long as you choose an accredited online program and take your online education seriously, any employer that reviews your resume will give your online degree the same respect that they give to a degree obtained from a four-year institution.

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Management Education: Managers Are Not Born

Management Education: Managers Are Not Born

espite what you may have heard or thought, managers are not born. This notion of coming out of the womb equipped with a dazzling ability to lead is a false one. Instead, successful managers have learned a set of skills that help them to lead with confidence and authority. People who are committed to achieving success with other individuals in a work environment should understand that good management takes time and practice. If you are up to the challenge of leading a group of people, it is a good idea to enroll in a management education program. With management courses to show for on your resume, you are one step closer to convincing a potential employer of how you will change their organization for the better.

The first thing that a management education course will teach you is that the success of a leader is directly proportionate to his/her strength as a human being. A manager's principle goal is to get the best possible performance out of his/her employees and this can only be achieved by someone with a genuine interest in the well-being of the staff. An oversized ego can destroy even the best leader, but individuals who are committed to inspiring greatness will have long and prosperous careers.

A management course will highlight the fact that most leaders spend the majority of their time dealing with everyday details. And handling the small details with the same degree of effort and intensity as major issues can be challenging, but this is what distinguishes a good leader from a great leader. Experienced teachers will provide you with these insights and show you the necessary steps to becoming a great leader.

An educational institution that hires professors with a strong background in their field will benefit you most. Each professor of management education will have his/her own style, and regardless of any possible particular bias, it is useful to get different opinions on what type of person is most appealing to an employer. For example, a professor of management education may tell you that when searching for effective leaders, he/she looks for the following attributes:

  • a willingness to accept challenge and responsibility
  • a command for respect
  • a strong positive sense of self.
Aside from learning the basics of management and supervision, studying under helpful and experienced professors will give you an inside look into the business world that you are poised to enter.

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Why Distance Learning Degrees - 3 good reasons

Why Distance Learning Degrees - 3 good reasons

Why distance learning degrees?

Actually, there are two questions there, each with an answer, each with three good reasons.

First, why distance learning?

The fact is,in many ways, distance education is far better than physical attendance at university or college, for several reasons.

The first is convenience: with distance learning degrees, you get to pick when you study. That's a lot more adaptable to your business life than having to attend a lecture every Wednesday at 10 a.m. when you might find it difficult to get time off work. And if you happen to be a night owl or early bird, it's perfect.

In the longer term, you can also spread your study out over several years, if you need to. There's no need to complete distance learning degrees in three or four years. In fact, many people take six to eight years to do so, and not always consecutive years.

Secondly, there's a minimum of physical attendance required. With little or no travel involved, you get more time to study. And less stress from road rage, or waiting at bus stops.

Thirdly, you get to choose which college or university you get your degree from. If you live in a small town with no further education facilities, that's a big advantage.

But even if you live in a city and are spoiled for universities and colleges, what if none of them offer the exact course that you want? Distance learning courses solve that problem easily.

And e-learning takes distance learning to a whole new level of convenience, if only in locating distance learning degrees in many more colleges and universities than was possible when you had to apply by post for details of their courses.

But why a degree? (the second of the two questions!)

For three reasons.

Firstly, it's the ultimate badge. You stop being someone people just admire because you certainly seem to know a lot about your subject, and you become someone with a degree in that subject. An Authority. It's the equivalent of an Olympic medal, and no one can ever take it away from you.

People with degrees command respect, even from fellow degree-holders. That applies no matter what the subject.

And that respect increases further if you can say you have a Master's level degree.

Secondly, a degree is not only mandatory for some vocations such as medicine or the legal professions, it's becoming more and more essential for other callings, too, such as Computing. As certain professional niches (for example, I.T., Training, and Human Resources in the last fifteen years) mature, so does the requirement to show that you have a related degree in order to enter them.

Thirdly, attaining a degree says something about you. It says you're disciplined, organized, can set and meet targets, that you know how to research, that you think beyond the here-and-now.

To prospective employers, that means you'll be a huge asset. If they have the choice between a job candidate with a degree and a candidate without, and all other factors are equal, who do you think they'll pick?

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Sports and Math : Can both these skills go hand in hand

Sports and Math : Can both these skills go hand in hand

Have you heard of the new energy drink? �High powered Math Shake - Gulp one down today and say goodbye to your weak math forever.� Even I haven�t. But what if such a thing really exists. Wouldn�t that be great for both the sports and math world ? Our would-be sports champs be then able to concentrate on their game better and stop worrying about their upcoming Math paper. Unfortunately, for now such a product is not available at your local drug store ( or for that matter anywhere else ).

But thankfully there is an easier way of making the deadly duo of sports and math a reality.

Sports and Math

Why is it so rare to find a tag team of sports and math ? It is common to find many talented soccer and basketball players, swimmers, athletes and other sports men struggling with Math. As it is the Math problems are plaguing the students of all grades, age and aptitude but the math problems of the sports man are particularly severe. That is because sports man hardly gets time in between his rigorous training sessions to study math and whenever he does, then also the textbook appears to be written in Chinese.

Sport skills Vs Math skills

Does muscular flexibility come at the cost of mental ability ? Working as a Math tutor I have been teaching Math to state level soccer players, swimmers, athletes and even to amateur boxers ( thank God I teach math online ). I have found that many of them have weak basic math skills but almost all of them have high analytical ability ( the most important raw material to learn math). It has now been even scientifically proved that sportsman�s brain has a greater ability to form synaptic pathways ( temporary circuits ) that lead to faster analysis of the problem. Understandably so, as their brain is trained to make split second decisions in the nick of time. In this regard sports is math.

Ideal teacher to help tackle both sports and math

The top shoe companies like Nike and Adidas make specially designed shoes and apparels for their star athletes to dramatically enhance his performance. Similarly a sports man requires a Math teacher who can custom design a Math lesson for his specific needs. This will not only help the sports man do well in his math paper but also help become a better sportsman as he will have sports math skills (i.e grasp over math in sport like batting average, bowling economy rate, free throw conversion percentage etc).

This is how a math lesson should be made for a sportsman.

1.Keep the Math lesson like a 100 meter dash : Sportspersons find it difficult to sit down still and concentrate for long hours ( I am not talking about the chess players ). They become restless soon. But the level of concentration they can generate in spurts is amazing. So Math tutor should make sure that Math lesson is kept short yet power packed.

2. Build his Basic math skills first : Before you can teach a person how to hit a home run, you must teach him how to grip the bat. Even born world champs need to get their basics right. So begin from the very beginning. Once the sportsman is taught the right way of solving math problems, he starts picking up the rest of math pretty fast. Always remember that the mind of a sportsperson is trained to repeat an action to perfection.

3.Stop being his teacher, start being his trainer : Stop preaching a sports man theories of Math. Tell him straightway the action he needs to do in order to get to the answer. I call this the one jab knockout technique. This way you make the sportsperson play at his strength.

This way a sports man can pick up both sports and math skills with the same ease with which he gulps down a protein shake ( provided it is not that awful in taste ).

Shahryar Badar is the Director of . It makes math Learner-Friendly for the students. You can even take a free online math class by clicking and begin to power up your weak math right away.

For any Math Help visit

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