Sociopath Odds
A person you�re introduced to that is NOT �a sociopath� will usually NOT want to become your best new friend at the first introduction.
In fact I believe that there would be less than 1 in 25 people that would be willing to do so.
Some may argue this and that�s fine but let just keep this in mind when reading the next paragraph.
An introduction to �A Sociopath� changes this odd mentioned above because you�re just another potential target / victim.
A sociopath is on the prowl and they will attempt to become your best new friend immediately.
So if meeting a sociopath is 1:25 and meeting a genuine person is also 1:25 that is a ratio of 1 out of every 2 people who want to become your best new friend!
So I guess what I am saying is that out of the people you meet, chances are that the ones that want to have more to do with you than just a simple introduction are the ones you should be cautious of. Keep your guard up!
Sociopath in my life
I have had the unfortunate luck of having a sociopath in my life for around 2 years before I realised that this person was a sociopath. At the time I realised she was a sociopath she had already formed close relationships with relatives family and friends.
This female sociopath had moved through each one of their families bonding mostly with the women but also with some of the men. I became very suspicious and I thought to myself, no one else I know is involved with so many relatives, family and friends of mine.
Confronting the Sociopath
Once I started questioning the sociopath she must have realised I was onto her, even though I was extremely cautious, she immediately went into overdrive to defame me to my family, and succeeded in doing so.
My web site of a Sociopath
I created a website and I have started writing about what happened to me, in the hope that others read my information and are able to avoid these sociopaths.
Sociopaths and Justice
The thing is I won in court against this sociopath, I won judgments the police are on my side, yet the frustration is in bringing these kinds of people to a fair justice for what they have done, the legal system has just too many loop holes and a sociopath knows these loop holes all to well.
A sociopath will operate in a grey area of the law, just above civil matters and just below criminal matters.
A sociopath knows that if you take them to court it will cost you too much financially and that you will just rite it off as they say, as a bad experience, well with me it was different, I though I am not going to let her get away with what he did, and that I will make it publicly known.
The Sociopaths History
I chased down this sociopath to when they first came into the country; this sociopath has destroyed so many families and split up so many couples. I started collecting information and statements from people about this sociopath and now I have a drawer in a filing cabinet full of information.
Investigations into this sociopath revealed many things which for privacy reasons I can�t say, I could be hit with a defamation charge etc, and can you believe that!
Sociopath Death Threats and Subtle Warnings
When I went to court the first time, my witnesses had death threats made against them. I was followed and blocked of in a car park by some people who basically warned me to stop doing what I was doing.
This sociopath has sent people to court and these people accused me of saying things to them, stated that I was taking photos of them in the court room and I was immediately investigated had the police and sheriffs attend that instance they confiscate my phone, they subpoenaed my phone records and at the end of it, I walked away from the court room that day a free man because there was nothing but false allegations.
What I learnt from this is that sociopaths don�t work alone, and that they have people who they lean on for assistance.
Sociopath Retaliations
It has cost me one of my daughters (I�ll explain how later), my marriage and financially in excess of $50,000, it has also cost me time in court, time for briefing barristers and a like.
My car (not that I care for it even though it�s 1 year old) has had the tyres flattened (particularly on court dates) good thing I organise public transport to get to court, my car has also had the windscreen cracked right across, and even brake fluid on my bonnet, nails embedded in the tyres, my windscreen wiper rubbers removed etc. I guess it�s a good thing I don�t care for material possessions but this is just a tiny example of what happens, to me it�s more of a nuisance than anything else really. But if you love your car like so many do, park it in a garage, install an alarm etc.
Sociopath mind games
The sociopath has also convinced my daughter the I am the Devil, not like a devil but the devil himself, yes I know it sounds unbelievable but I can assure you that this sociopath even has a lawyer that believes the same thing, the lawyers parents called my in-laws and told them that I am the devil. Can you believe how much influence this sociopath has?
The sociopath also convinced my daughter to make false accusations to the police and start an AVO case against not only me but 6 other family members. I have been able to prove as well as others where we were during the allegations and the case has gone pear shape for the prosecution. Now my daughter could face a 7 year jail sentence because the law doesn�t take nicely to false statements. We are attempting to explain that she is under duress and show that the sociopath orchestrated this entire case but the law doesn�t easily allow you to explain why and when it all started, stating relevance and so forth. I will have a long section on this in my website after I get all the freedom of information items from the court. i.e. the public documents.
To Conclude for now
Be on your guard, read about sociopaths, but don�t become scared of meeting people, there are so many people out there that a genuinely nice.
Be aware of people that down others around you and be aware of people that take you away from the normality you have.
If something�s too good to be true it usually is.
All in all I wish you wisdom and by the looks of things because you have come across this site you seek the wisdom in guarding yourself against these kinds of predators.
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